53 definitions by Luigi

Extremely ugly clothing, based on trucker-style caps and overalls. The idea is that the wearer is SO pretty and SO rich that they can overspend on a fugly item of clothing because it's in style and look good. If you tried to wear it and looked more like Bea Arthur than Paris Hilton, you'd look like a goob, which is the idea.
Paris Hilton popularized wearing Von Dutch clothing, then fulfilled her destiny by imitating white trash on her reality tv show.
by Luigi August 6, 2004
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An inmate in prison. Room and board is paid for by the state, hence "guest" of the State.

Someone who is incarcerated.
Lester was in for some ugly times; he was a guest of the State and he didn't like busycheekistry.
by Luigi August 15, 2004
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Empty-Vee, or television entirely devoid and empty of any redeeming value, except to the corporate megalopolies who profit by selling plastic loaded with idiotic blather passing for music (which it ain't, see rap or hop-hop ) and a lot of cheezekake as "music" to the undiscerning masses of youth
Boris and Guldina watched hours of MTV until their mother Galena pulled the plug. "Stupid kidniks!" she ranted, "Don't you know that in Soviet Russia, MTV watches YOU?"
by Luigi August 12, 2004
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The top or dominant partner in a gay pair. Both he and the busycheekee are engaging in the art of busycheekistry
Bruce was a leather-bar hopping busycheeker looking for some fresh meat.
by Luigi July 12, 2004
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A dangerous disease of writing software: the original set of features is constantly added to by the product managers, driving the software engineers batty and causing massive delays in release of the product.
The program was delayed nine months by constant feature creep.
by Luigi July 9, 2004
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He's a mean green fighting machine. Mario's younger and under-rated brother. Everyone thinks he's cooler than mario. He jumps higher, he's not a fatass, He sucks up ghosts with his trusty dusty polturgust 3000. All Mario can do is run a bit faster. What good is that? He's a fatass too because he's been eating too many pizzas.
"Omigosh Mario is soooo coooool!"
"Fuck Mario! He had to be rescued by his brother TWICE. What the fuck has he done for him?"
"You're right... Omigosh Luigi is soooo coooool!"

*Mario gets captured* "Help me Luigi!"
"Fuck-a-you You piece of-a-shit you a-deserve it. I'm not a-saving your ass again."
by Luigi June 19, 2006
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He had a bad case of diflucous of the blowhole after getting a bad icecube in Mexico.
by Luigi July 13, 2004
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