49 definitions by Lucinda is Lit

We all know that one F boy that everyone hates but for some reason everyone loves.
That player
by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020
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She Is such a kind and caring person. Hannah has an incredible sense of humor and can make anyone laugh. She can be quite moody at times but everyone still loves her. She is insanely Beautiful but often doubts herself. Everyone LOVES Hannah and she is an INCREDIBLE BFF. She is quite crazy but that’s why everyone loves her. She is willing to help anyone In need and has such a kind heart. Hold on to your Hannah
Guy1: OMG is that Hannah

Guy2: ya
Guy1: SHE IS SUCH AN AMAZING PERSON, I wish I was like her
by Lucinda is Lit July 20, 2020
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Shrek, if you’re reading this CALL THE POLICE!!!!! There is a creepy stalker with the name of Cassidy who will KIDNAP YOU Because she has an extremely unhealthy obsession with you
Be careful Shrek
by Lucinda is Lit July 18, 2020
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When you’re exhausted and wanna sleep but you’re having too much fun calling your friends or watching tired
Guy1: I’m so tired, but I don’t want to sleep
Guy2: Sounds like you’re sleeplessly sleepy
by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020
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When you’re extremely tired and want to sleep but you Are having way too much fun calling your friends or watching Netflix.
by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020
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People on this app are not Alright
by Lucinda is Lit July 19, 2020
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