10 definitions by Losti

He's back, and he's got a new trick. He's ten times as slick as the last time you saw him, and now you can see why we really adore him. You might think his new trick is sick, sawing a pigeon in half with a stick.

Anyway, he's freakin' awesome and I think he's into S&M... I dunno what's up with that magic leather whip, hm....
"Everybody loves Magical Trevor!"
by Losti March 22, 2005
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A clever way to insult somebody, especially a slutty girl. You can't get in trouble for this because teachers are so wrapped up in useless shit (see algebra) to realize that is you reverse the vowels in both words, you get Skank Bitch.
Kid: Leslie is such a skink batch.
Teacher: What's a skink batch?
by Losti March 22, 2005
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In Strong Bad E-mail numba 119, (in which he gets the Lappy), Spud Jr. asks Strong Bad what he would be if he were an animal, what would he be. In reply, Strong Bad creates Sterrance, a blue creature that is much cuter than that stupid washed-up old The Cheat she used to have. He looks very good and impressive for the Lappy.
"Sterrance is much cuter than that stupid washed-up old Cheat I used to have."
by Losti March 22, 2005
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