33 definitions by Long Johns

To mean having a dilemma of a time, stressed out, frustrated. Just like our much loved cuddly wuddly blue man 'Iggle Piggle' will do as he falls back with legs up in the air. To express that feeling to sigh, to become dumbstruck, to almost give-up. When having that sense to pull your hair out and scream and shout from stress.
I am having an Iggle Piggle moment right now
by Long Johns June 30, 2011
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When TV broadcasting channels become neutral and do not be discriminate towards their own media. Each channel talks about another, presenters appearing on opposite channels programmes.
Show host on Channel 5 became Broadgender and appeared on a Channel 1 chat show to talk about her future plans on Channel 5.
by Long Johns March 17, 2023
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What seems larger in scale, whatever the object to be, is actually smaller to take. Something that is being supported by another source. A teacup on a saucer.
Janet thought her income would be much more from the looks of things. Only John being the supported one, realistically Janet only had the teacup on a saucer.
by Long Johns February 12, 2013
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When feeling that urge to text someone while also walking or driving or somewhere that takes your concentration away for being 'textracted'.... (of course please do not text and drive)
Walking for the bus, Angy grabbed her phone to text someone.

Text: "on my...........fuck, I just tripped over the pavement. On my way"
Still being 'textracted' Angy quickens her pace and starts to slowly run for the bus that she see from the corner of her eye has arrived at the bus stop.
Text: "Gettin on bus...........shit, coat is caught in the buses door.......on bus now"
by Long Johns January 1, 2014
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When to take a more revealing #Selfie and show everyone your Noodies.
After several bathroom selfies, Jay decided to take some noodies of himself to impress the potential interests.
by Long Johns February 17, 2016
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