4 definitions by Lolwhatevermydudes

1). A rather ridiculous name.

2). Dick Pussy is one interesting man. He takes nobody crap and has everyone’s address and phone number. A man to not be trifled with, is rather similar to his brother Dock Pussy, but you must not get them mixed up.
Random Man: “Oh my goodness, is that Dock Pussy?”
Random Lady: “Oh Christ, that’s not Dock, that’s Dick Pussy!”
by Lolwhatevermydudes November 27, 2021
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Beer women is a sound commonly heard in the music of a former electronic music producer “B Sands”.
Bear women, bear women *loud bass drop* beer women, beer women
by Lolwhatevermydudes July 6, 2023
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Dock Pussy, like his brother Dick Pussy, is one foul mouthed so-and-so. Dock Pussy is the kind of guy that reminds the teacher there was homework the day prior. Dock can take a long walk off a short pier.
Random Man: “Oh boy, Dick and Dock Pussy are coming into town this evening. Better alert the FBI.”
by Lolwhatevermydudes November 27, 2021
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A chordussy is the sweet and succulent vagina or a guitar chord.
Guitar: “stick that in my chordussy, bb~”
by Lolwhatevermydudes April 11, 2023
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