1 definition by LockeCole311

A game for the Super Famicom/ Super Nintendo. It was released by Square Soft in 1993. Known as Final Fantasy III in the US, it has been widely regarded as the best game in the Final Fantasy serise, ans well as one of the best games made for the Super Nintendo. It follows the story of a young girl named Terra, who is half human and half "Esper", a race of magical beings who were thought to have dissapeared a millinea ago. She is brainwashed by the evil "Empire" who plan to use her abilities, and the abilities of Espers to create new war weapons. She encounters an Esper on one of her missions with the Empire, and is struck with amnesia. She is eventually led by Locke, a treasure hunter, to a group known as The Returners, and anti-Empire organization. She then sets out to destroy the Empire who brainwashed her.
Final Fantasy VI is one of the greatest games of all time.
by LockeCole311 April 3, 2004
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