1 definition by LiveLaughLoveLemons

(Also known as Stavey.)

n. Typically very greek and very short, Stavroulas can be found in and around Philadelphia and Chicago. You may spot them by their immaculate fashion scene, or attractive personalities. Stavroulas walk with pride and confidence as they know their self-worth. Ready to take on the world, a Stavroula is a perfect addition to any collection. Weaknesses include; men. Especially named Steve, Tim, or Aiden. Be vigilant as your Stavroula may develop an unhealthy superiority complex. If this occurs, please contact your nearest Stavroula Wholesaler and request an exchange. make sure to feed your Stavroula a plentiful diet including Rita's Ice Cream and uncooked fajitas. This will ensure its longevity and prevent superiority complex complications. In conclusion, Stavroulas are amazing, strong, beautiful, and great to be around. 10/10 would recommend buying a Stavroula ASAP.
Wow is that a Stavroula? She's five nothing!!!
by LiveLaughLoveLemons November 8, 2021
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