23 definitions by Littlehandsdonniedotard

Delicious desert best served cold, like revenge. Only "45" calories, and comes with printed warning " could cause pain and sometimes death for rednecks and trumptards".
At the Red Hen restaurant:

Customer: "What's good for dessert?"

Waitress: " We have some scrumptious impeach cobbler"

Customer: " Awesome! Now that donnie is in prison, I just can't stop grinning."

Waitress: " True dat! I hope Invanka can make conjugal visits!"
by Littlehandsdonniedotard July 10, 2018
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A term used to describe any whore who will marry any piece of shit solely for money or a green card.
"Who's that bimbo with the huge tits that donnie is slumming with? She doesn't speak a word of English!"

"That's his new wife. She needed some cash and a green card so she married him"

"Yeah, if donnie couldn't afford a melania he'd die single, for sure".
by Littlehandsdonniedotard June 22, 2018
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