3 definitions by Literally Just A Toaster

The can of whoopass is a term meaning to unleash great pain unto a target, specifically someone you have feelings against.
It ain’t gravy
Or clams
It ain’t the salmon or the processed ham
You just opened up a great big can of whoopass
by Literally Just A Toaster September 2, 2019
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Commonly known from the Netflix original series Stranger Things, a Demogorgon is a fictional monster from the game Dungeons and Dragons. The monster is known as the prince of demons, and appears in D&D Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry.

The monster is supposed to have two heads, but in Stranger Things appears to have one head that splits into four segments.
I can’t believe Barb was killed by a demogorgon within the first few episodes of Stranger Things!
by Literally Just A Toaster August 30, 2019
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A toaster, many times confused with a toaster oven, is a magical box of metal with two slits it the top. After placing two slices of bread through the slits and waiting for a minute or so, will shoot out your bread magically in a new, cooked form. Goes delicious with butter and jam. (Preferably strawberry jam)
My username.

Literally Just A Toaster
by Literally Just A Toaster August 30, 2019
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