1 definition by LilithDarlingxo


To help lift the spirits of a person who is feeling down, and inspire them to keep moving forward, by reminding them of who they are;

Usually accomplished by taking the initiative to listen to what they're saying, and understanding their current situation; followed by acknowledging the validity of their feelings, reminding them of their past accomplishments, and then expressing appreciation for their presence in your life/them as a human being.

"Now that I'm older, I'm starting to understand Britney Spears circa 2007 a lot more. If she had someone to gas her up every now and then; maybe she wouldn't have hit that point🤷 ♀️"

"I make a point to gas up the people I love every chance I have; because they deserve to be happy, and feel good about themselves! 💖"

"Don't forget, it is possible to gas up a person*too* much. When you flood a person engine by gassing them up too much, they may exhibits signs of over-confidence such as:
• Acting like a douche
• Being pompous,
• Narcissistic behavior
• Acting like they're better than everyone else, and

• Putting others down

If you suspect a flooded engine, be sure to check the person by reminding them that they are still human; and although they maybe be talented, they are not better than everyone else; and they need to come back down to earth.

Unchecked engine flooding has previously lead to a reality TV star being elected as President of the United States; so make sure to check your loved ones for flooded engines!"
by LilithDarlingxo October 23, 2020
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