2 definitions by Lenard the 7/11 Employee

A monochode is a penis that is wider than it is long, otherwise known as a chodewith the addition of having only one large testicle. This birth defect is also known as being monotescular.
Leo: Did you hear the rumor about Jimmy? Well people are saying he has a monochode. Andrew: I believe it.
by Lenard the 7/11 Employee February 5, 2015
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The Jimmy Chose is a penis wider than it is long, or a chode, with the addition of one testicle or the birth monotestcular, with the testicle being square and the head being sharp and pointed.
Colin: Leo do you have The Jimmy Chode
Leo: No...

Jimmy: I DO
by Lenard the 7/11 Employee May 29, 2015
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