3 definitions by Lance Pecht

The act of slowly poisoning someone through small or subtle personal attacks over a period of time. Their strategy is to drag down their partners self esteem so they don't have the confidence to seek a better option.
Dave: "Randy, why don't you ever stand up to your bitch wife when she puts you down?"
Randy: "Well maybe shes right most of the time"
Dave: "You are so being poison dripped my friend!"

Other acts of poison dripping: 1) That look she gives you when her eyes roll upwards- slight poison drip
2) Discouraging you from eating healthy and/or exercise, so you are out of shape and can't seek a better option- these discouraging comments are a form of poison drip
3) When people mention your name to your partner and they have a negative or disparaging remark about you- slight poison drip

There are many examples of a poison drip in a relationship. Remember, they will slowly add up over time and if not identified early you will feel you have officially been poisoned. Sometimes a poison drip can be so small you may not notice it at the time its happening. Often times it's later on when your thinking back on the situation that occurred only to realize you have been "Poison Dripped."
by Lance Pecht July 23, 2019
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The act of showing too much interest in another person making you appear desperate and less desirable to them. The term "Quick Sanding" is referring to if you were standing in quick-sand trying to get out- the harder you try the quicker you will sink.
Her: "I tried calling him, texting him, even went to dinner with his mom. Then I tried to add him on Facebook. I still haven't got any response. I know....I will try texting him again!"
Person listening to her: "You are Quick Sanding so bad right now- Please just stop!"
by Lance Pecht July 23, 2019
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The act of getting blood to your showcase muscles (pecs, shoulders, biceps) prior to entering a beach, pool, hot tub or anywhere you take your shirt off. This is often done by men through push ups, pull ups and bicep curls making them look "beach swole" in an attempt to impress women. "Beach Swole" generally lasts 30-45 min before the blood leaves your showcase muscles.
Isaac: "Hey bro, lets do some push ups before we go poolside- I heard there's some good looking woman."
Ceasar: " Lets do it. I don't mind getting "beach swole" before we go over there."
by Lance Pecht July 25, 2019
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