5 definitions by Lambrini

A way of saying “hold my”. This is generally to trick some into saying,

“What’s holma” to which the asker will say, “holma balls.” Then only the asker laughs and everyone else does not.
A: “ I learned what “holma” means in spanish.”
B: “What is “holma”?
A: *laughs
B: *leaves
by Lambrini July 27, 2018
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A flock of girls, generally white americans, or latinos. They are in groups of 4-6 people, are very loud, basically naked, and say things like, hoe, N*****, and Bitch
A: “Hey, Tommy look at that T-boro over there”
B: “Ya, what a bunch of fuckin generic white kids
by Lambrini July 26, 2018
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When you say “shut the fuck up” fast with your teeth clenched, generally when someone says something stupid or idiotic that they think is inspiring or meaningful.
Janet: “Earth without art is just Eh”
Nathan: “Shuthefuckup Janet, nobody fucking cares
by Lambrini July 26, 2018
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Someone who is so stupid and brainless that idiot can not describe them.
A: “Ryan is such an iliot, he lit fucking soup on fire, trying to cook it
B: “How the fuck”
by Lambrini July 26, 2018
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A place where a lot of gangster wannabes live. Where people smoke, bang, spend money, and brag, yet act all upper class.
A: “Tyngsborough is a pretty good place to live.”
B: “yea, if you want your kid to grow up a shit dirtbag that acts like a king.”
by Lambrini July 27, 2018
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