2 definitions by LOLUSOFUNNY

Being typical Pacific Northwest Basic. Someone who does pnw trendy things like drinking coffee black, only drinking craft beer, rock climbing out of their mothers mini van, skiing only double blacks, wearing flannel, rocking or being into man buns and/or beards, leaving your ski rack on your Subaru in the summer, etc
Ben is such a PNW Basic bro.
by LOLUSOFUNNY December 17, 2014
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When you're trying to sweet talk some girl, usually over a phone call or text. Most of the time it is when you are doing something with your friends but you're ignoring them for some trick.
Quit ho cakin and get back in here, trying to watch the game. That beezy doesn't want your hairy nuts anyway.
by LOLUSOFUNNY December 15, 2008
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