31 definitions by Kung Of The Duckheads

A cuntifact is a lie, told with such detail so as to try and convince the teller that it is the truth.
Where did you hear that? It sounds like a cuntifact.

If you heard it from a Queentard, it then it must be a cuntifact.
by Kung Of The Duckheads December 28, 2019
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Creepin Jesus is a term used by the tow trucking industry to describe those who who are act as their dogsbody. The Creepin Jesus is never allowed to perform anything but the most basic of menial tasks, yet they think that they are invaluable to the industry and can often be heard telling whoever will listen, how many friends they have and how important they are. Sometimes the Creepin Jesus will take exception to their name, so other names, such as Bozo and Fuckhead are often substituted. It is easy to identify a Creepin Jesus. Just look for someone in a wheelchair and the Creepin Jesus will be the one running away.
They call him Creepin, Creepin Jesus.
by Kung Of The Duckheads August 27, 2019
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The VRO, or to use its full name, the Vag Rape Offer, is the preferred weapon of the Boy Cunt Crew. The BCC will lure their prey and apply the VRO is an offensive maneuver. The main aim is not the in the application of the VRO, but the glory of being able to gloat that they have used the VRO, and the anticipation of the offer being accepted.
If you come to my house, my housemate will pull out his VRO
by Kung Of The Duckheads August 2, 2019
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knotmick is a creature often mistaken for the phantom. Having qualities akin to a Jedi Master, they are known to have given birth to many legends of cb radio. The sockboy is the natural prey of the knotmick. A Late Night Lenny will cringe and hide in a corner whenever they encounter a knotmick. A smegma will spend countless hours trying to repel a knotmick, only to fail dismally, in a similar vein to their university efforts.
You are part of the rich tapestry that makes up a knotmick

knotmick I am your father. sockboy Noooooo!
by Kung Of The Duckheads April 25, 2019
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A Queentard is the result of the natural progression through life of an Uncle Cunty. Rejected by it's family and friends, the Uncle Cunty will start a new clan consisting of individuals with a much lower IQ than the Uncle Cunty. The result is a clan of less than intelligent people with their new leader, the Queentard.
Hey Uncle Cunty, congratulations on being appointed the Queentard.
If the brains of the Queentard and her band of followers were converted into dynamite, there wouldn't be enough to blow a nose.
by Kung Of The Duckheads December 13, 2019
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Stabby is a term used to describe individuals who have a strong desire to skulk around in the darkness of night and stab objects with sharp instruments. Often these objects are round and black as they remind the Stabby of their particularly bad experiences when they were small children. Often a Stabby will try and fool you into thinking they are quite intelligent, but close examination will reveal that they are nothing more that a bully looking for a school aged child to tease.
Sorry I am late, my car had an incident with a stabby.
by Kung Of The Duckheads April 15, 2019
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