3 definitions by Krisse

A term in poker, describing the relation between the cost of calling another bet and the potential profit should you hit something big. Suited connectors and low pairs often are justified to play because of pot odds.
"I will probably not hit and have to fold, but it only costs 1$, and the potential profit should my straight draw hit is 50$. This is an easy call"
by Krisse July 18, 2005
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Losing a hand in poker that you from the beginning are very probable to win. Often (or so it will seem) to a worse player, who called you bet when the odds were clearly against him/her.
Novices often confuse a bad call with a call that will probably lose, but still has the pot odds on its side. They will then moan and moan about getting bad beaten when in fact they were only slightly unlucky. A bad beat is in fact when someone makes an incorrect move against you, and gets extremely lucky.
Good player: My pocket kings got called with Q9 when flop was K-9-A and I went all in. Turn was a 9. River came the last 9. Losing to runner-runner nines. Well, that´s poker.

Bad player: I had pocket nines and went all in for 2 dollars. This rich guy called me with AKs and caught an ace. Now that´s a bad beat! I hate this game!
by Krisse July 18, 2005
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Two cards in Texas Holdem which share the same suit and and connected, like 5-6 of spades och 10-Jack of hearts. Often played when the cost is low and the potential profit is large.
Player 1: I had 45 suited and flop came A-2-3. Of course your set of aces gets whooped.

Player 2: But I had Three aces! What happened to my stack?
by Krisse July 18, 2005
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