1 definition by Kouji Wada

Tamer Brad is a person who is that much more awesome than you. His style is unique, and many arrogant bastards call it gay. He wears makeup and dark colours, but in no way is gothic because Black and Blue are his favourite colours. Also Purple, so you may come to think that he is a bit more feminine than most other guys. He acts feminine for fun at times and that adds to his style. He is extremely smart and can prove his comments in a debate. If he loses the arguement, he can understand, but of course, this happens rarely. He is a big fan of Gackt, but does not strive to become a copy of him because Brad understands that he should be himself. He can be a bastard at times, but of course, again, he admits it. Brad is sexy and I am probably wrong about quite a bit of this, but nonetheless, hopefully, close to the truth.
BRAD IS SEXY because he is unique, good looking, and has the personality to back it all up.
by Kouji Wada December 16, 2004
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