4 definitions by Korruqt

Wokeness is the politicisation of Ethnicity, Gender, Nationality and Race to utilise them as debate tools agaisnt the political opposition of the political movement using it. Used nearly solely by the political left.
by Korruqt January 29, 2021
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Killing a large group of people for an assortment of reasons and motives
The Armenian Genocide was the mass murder and expulsion of 1.5 million of ethnic Armenians in turkey between 1914 to 1923.
by Korruqt March 26, 2020
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An armed conflict between two or more parties with an economic, religious or ideological motive
The 1939 war between Nazi Germany and The Second Polish Republic began in 1 September 1939 to 6 October 1939
by Korruqt March 26, 2020
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A developmental disorder that still has research going into it to due obvious lack of knowledge. Despite this symptoms are known and are vast and diverse ranging anywhere from slurred speech to sensitive hearing and even picky eating. It also ranges in severity to me (The cunt who is writing this) bareley registering on the spectrum who are high functioning but struggle with social skills and understanding social cues to people who are severley disabled and require assistance for most or all basic tasks.

plenty of people have already written this nut autistic people are not (Unless thier autism is severe) a minor setback and not a full blown disability. Please for the love of bloody god treat your fellow man with respect and dot allow minor diffrences like race or in this case "disorder" to get in the way of that
People with the Neurodevelopmental disorder known as autism have the common following symptoms of in no particular order ,Trouble with social interaction, limited communication, restricted interests and repetitive behavior
by Korruqt September 10, 2020
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