2 definitions by Kmo7

What happens to your man bag when the mesh on your swim trunks rubs against the skin on your meat and two veg because of the salt water of the ocean.

(Also known as chafing)
After jumping the waves, the boy said "mom, I have hamburger meat, can we go to the pool instead?"
by Kmo7 July 21, 2018
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The truth about how messy you’ll actually let your home get before you clean it, knowing no one can come over because you’re all quarantined.

When this is all over, I’ll clean my house for good. Until then, it’ll stay quarantine-clean. If it’s clean enough for me, it’s clean enough.
I know there’s no one comin to visit cause of covid-19; so I keep my house quarantine-clean.
by Kmo7 April 13, 2020
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