2 definitions by KingloCrippla

To love an old Korean man and be completely crazy and not be champion worthy. To also wish to be like a Raymond who is so amazing looking.
Wow you're being so Bryana right now.

Thats so Bryana
by KingloCrippla February 3, 2013
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To be horrible at all sports, football, rugby and baseball. Tries to put on a tough facade and shadow box but cant fight there way out of a wet paper bag, dirtiest sanchez mustache in the game. Only bryanas are attracted to these folk and Jefferys are also known for being a huge vagina.
wow that guy is a raging jeffery, that jeffery wont leave me alone, wow that jeffery has to use a towel to inflict pain
by KingloCrippla June 6, 2011
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