10 definitions by Kickolaus Nage

An elaborate sexual practice involving three women, two men, a pogo stick, several marijuana cigarettes, a bigfoot costume, and a Marionberry Pie from Shari’s.
Bob: I can’t believe Ed died last week. He was only 23!
Sally: The last thing he told me was he was going to try an Oregon Top Hat.
by Kickolaus Nage October 8, 2021
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A religion that posits that an supernatural being created humanity. Said being then decided to kill every human on the planet except a few (Noah and his family)- even though this being KNEW when he made humanity that they would behave in a manner that would compel him to commit, not just genocide, but near extinction of the ENTIRE human race. Later, this god had a “son”. Rut roh- now we’re claiming that God had a “son” but we CAN’T become like those nasty polytheists. Thus the concept of “the Trinity” arose. According to the Christians, god the Father, for some reason, needed Jesus to die because again, humanity is imperfect. Well, Jesus did, in fact die, but according to the Christians, that STILL wasn’t good enough. After he died, people still HAVE to somehow be able to discern and follow the correct minutia of theology. Guess what, even though the son of god (supposedly) died for you sins, if you were born in a non-christian country or to a non-christian family, or if your Christianity is “off” in some nebulous way, god will condemn you to AN ETERNITY of spiritual and physical suffering. All this despite the fact that god supposedly made us to be this way and had the foresight to know this is exactly how we would turn out- nope, an eternity of suffering for you. Also, in America at least, Christianity involves loving guns and flags.
Hey Bob, I love Christianity so I don’t like gay people. Never mind that I ignore literally every other rule in the old testament as well as the entire new testament.
by Kickolaus Nage October 8, 2021
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A stand in for war. In modern society, there are certain anachronistic human traits that persist, despite their lack of adaptiveness. One is the need for some sort of territorial conflict. Football teams are named after, and have stadiums in, certain geographic areas (eg the “Oakland Raiders”) to create the illusion that they are, somehow representative of this area. All, or almost all, of the players and coaches are inevitably not from this area, but the naming scheme is enough of a paper thin veneer to allow anyone in the entire state to arbitrarily consider this “their” team. This feeds into the irrational impulse for territorial struggle or even war while maintaining decorum. Also makes millions of dollars.
Bob: What do you think of the Seattle Seahawks football team?
Sally: Well, despite the fact that everyone on the team is from the deep south, I am from Seattle and thus live vicariously through them.
by Kickolaus Nage October 8, 2021
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