2 definitions by Kevs

A girl who thinks all there is to life is surfing Reddit pages. A girl that talks nothing but Reddit. A Reddit addict
Boy: "You hear about that one girl thats addicted to Reddit."
Girl: "Are you talking about that Meesha over there?"
by Kevs February 7, 2013
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1. slang for Taco Bell, usually used when intoxicated and unable to use two syllables. Orgin was at a Wisconsin Taco Bell near Stevens Point, WI.
2. Name of an organization that reviews tacos aka Travelin' Totch
"Travelin' with the Totch- Yeah, we review tacos"

"Dude man, that T-Ta-Totch was freakin awesome! There has never been better."
by Kevs December 19, 2005
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