1 definition by Kennyskids

Kendall is a one of a kind person.
A Kendall is a quarky one of a kind female that usually has crazy curly hair. They have a spunky personality an have a comment for everything. She is loved by everyone especially her kids and has a huge heart. Kendall's tend to be the greatest grandma and love their grandkids more than her own children. Money is no object especially at the expense of their husbands wallet. They usually fall in love with a man in a uniform and prefer redheads. Most likely to retire in a timber frame house on the beach where she can snorkel and collect seashells for her nautical theme. A Kendall is known to embrace life and lives by the quote "say thank you when you go to bed at night and thank you when you wake up". Don't piss off a Kendall as they are very stubborn and will never say sorry.They often think they have the best ideas and have a million projects started that never get finished. Everyone needs a Kendall in their life!!!
by Kennyskids February 18, 2012
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