4 definitions by Keef Scott

The overbearing feeling in human psychology that makes one believe that their testicles are unnaturally small.
Hayley: I just feel that my balls...aren't as big as some of the other boys'.
Psychologist: Listen here you focking mong. The only reason your "balls" are small is because of the way you see them. If you view your balls as exceptionally large, then they will be. Currently, you suffer from a rare condition in females called Crypto-emotional Testiculary Identity which makes you retarded. Sorry, but that's just how it is.
by Keef Scott September 14, 2020
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Some place/think that's hairy, brown and covered in shit.
India and Iraq are asscracks
by Keef Scott September 14, 2020
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Nostalgia for a past time you haven't actually personally experienced
Redditor: Mans got mad nostalgia for the 80s.
Poggersman270: Retard. You were born the the 90s. That's called pseudo-nostalgia.
by Keef Scott September 14, 2020
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An advanced form of Dwarfism which leaves the "victim" looking childlike. Unlike regular Dwarfism, Babyitis does not allow the "victim" to develop, either vocally or bodily past a certain age (4-5 years old).
by Keef Scott July 23, 2021
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