1 definition by KamikazeHD

Winduism (win-doo-iz-um) n.
A religion based on the belief that Kamikaze is a living god. Creation of Winduism dates back to 1281 A.D. on a small island on the southwest coast of Japan. Those who believe in Winduism (Winduists), believe that Kamikaze is an unquestionable force and that they live and die to serve his cause. All Winduists are prepared and required to die for Kamikaze, those who die for Winduist beliefs are believed to have died in the highest honor possible and will find a place forever in paradise.
(Random Guy) Sup Kami?
(Kamikaze) I am not your god non-believer...
(Random Guy) Wtf???
(Winduist) You must believe in Winduism to live...
(Random Guy) You're not a god you...
(Kamikaze) *Kills non-believer*
by KamikazeHD May 6, 2008
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