3 definitions by Kae-Dawg

To cover an entire area in vaseline
The floor was entirely vaselised, causing people to slip

Chad: Hey Brett, can you pass me the vaseline? I need to vaselise my entire body to ensure I slide as far as possible!
by Kae-Dawg August 7, 2018
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To cover your entire body or another persons body in vaseline

Synonymous with Vaselise
Chad: Yo that Niven guy doesn't think Vaselise and Vassalize are the same thing!
Brett: That's whack, quick pass me the vaseline so I can vassalize my body!
by Kae-Dawg September 3, 2018
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a word that doesn't actually exist
Sierra, beathen isn't an actual word, how can you use it in the correct context if it isn't a word?
by Kae-Dawg February 25, 2018
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