4 definitions by Just_Rico

Person 1: What do you think about David.

Person 2: David is bare jokes.
by Just_Rico June 20, 2023
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Acronym for "It's whatever". Mostly used in text.
Person 1: "What happened yesterday?"

Person 2: "Dwa Iwe"
by Just_Rico June 21, 2023
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Person 1: What happened between you and him?

Person 2: Dwa
by Just_Rico June 21, 2023
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To skip, to avoid.
Example 1:

Person A: Why weren't you in school yesterday?

Person B: I was bunking

Example 2:

Person 1: Are you going to pay for the train tomorrow?

Person 2: No. I'll just bunk it.
by Just_Rico June 20, 2023
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