2 definitions by JustOneRealCoolDude

When you tightly tie a thin string, or wire, around the base of your ballsack, then pull the remaining line upwards until it is taught and your balls are suspended. Continue holding this position until you cannot handle the pain, or you climax; whichever comes first.
Can you swing by the hardware store on your way over, and pick us up some twine? Nathan and I are going to blynch later tonight after my parents fall asleep.
by JustOneRealCoolDude October 21, 2020
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A racial term used towards African Americans to skirt around the use of the 'N word'. Used by cowards who want to get away with racial insensitivity and use it as a way to justify themselves so they can still sleep at night. Originates from the term white slave owners would use to reference the black slaves they forced into bare knuckle brawls with each other for entertainment.
Racist Guy: Can't believe that knuck knuck took my lunch money!
Racially Tolerant Guy: Dude, you can't say that! That is incredibly racist!
Racist Guy: I am so sorry. I did not realize the connotations that phrase holds. I will strive to be better. Thank you for educating me.
by JustOneRealCoolDude July 10, 2020
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