2 definitions by Josh The Misanthrope

Residents of Acadia (Later seperated into provinces New-Brunswick and Nova Scotia). Also unique brand of hick, they drive ATVs on a daily basis. Acadians speak a mixture of french and english plus slang wich they like to call "Chiac". Download some "Cayouche" too fully understand what I mean.
Damn those Acadians know how to drink! He downed a pint of Jack Daniels and still had room for a few beers. That 8th grader is a hardcore mofo. <- True story. Yours Truly.

Chiac: "Man, j'ai mi une straigt pipe sur mon buggy. J'irai crie ma 12 dans le fridge pi en ira driver dans les trails"
by Josh The Misanthrope October 14, 2005
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Satirical look at gaming, gamers and the industry. Intelligent writing + Good artwork. Raised over half a million dollars for childrens hospitals in 2 years form its readership alone. You do not have to play games to get most of the jokes, but its way worthwhile if you do.

Quote Gabe: "Hey, listen. That was testicorp on the phone, looks like you didn't get that Testicle Inspector job."

Quote Tycho: "I flipped of a box of kittens."

Penny Arcade is wack!
by Josh The Misanthrope October 13, 2005
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