4 definitions by JordanTheDollarBill

The level one fits in pertaining to the Social, Spiritual and Economic Hierarchy of Human Beings.
Think of each class as a credit score. Individually they equal a result, but it's the combined average that counts.
ie: In the time of Jesus Christ's lifespan, he had a Class Bracket score of 600/1000 due to his high spiritual and social scores, but is dropped down significantly in the average because of his low economic score. Granted, he didn't care for money, but with it his influence could have been immediate, instead of hundreds of years later.
by JordanTheDollarBill November 3, 2011
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A man who is a bad mutha. Most likely a ninja or some other bad ass profession, such as porn star, elected official, super-athlete or even C.E.O. of your mom. Disclaimer: Will fornicate with any friends hot mom with out regret. A Jordan is a cold blooded panty bandit with the future in his eyes and fire spewing from his mouth.
A Jordan usually makes good money, certainly more than you, yet your not exactly sure how. An enigma will spontaneously combust if ever to come into contact with a Jordan.
A jordan can be found in Public places such as cities, towns, or Canadian territories. A Jordan can also be found in the isolation of the deep wild where he may be pondering ponderous thoughts of the very existence of time and space which would cause lesser men's heads to implode in the manner of a rather disturbing sucking sound.
I digress explaining a Jordan any further would simply take away from the only pleasure you will know for the next 20 minutes. The basking in of the the thought of the very essence that is. A jordan.
Woman A: Hey do you see that hot guy walking this way?
Woman B: OMG he just checked you out.
Woman A: Umm I think I'm pregnant.
Woman B: Wow I think that was a Jordan. Your such a bitch.
by JordanTheDollarBill July 11, 2008
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Something A man will say before striking a woman upon the mouth or perhaps cheek, usually with a back handed motion known as pimp slap. This woman usually reffered to as a "ho" or "bitch" will then act as if nothing happened and she was not hit directly in the lip with a pinky ring. If she can accomplish this subterfuge with no one the wiser she is well on her way to the coveted "bottom bitch" position that is now available as Bonqueesha was recently stabbed and or over dosed.
Ho: But Daddy I don't wanna walk no mo.
Man: Damn bitch *SLAP*
Ho: Well I can walk a lil mo.
by JordanTheDollarBill July 11, 2008
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When u keep an item nestled in between your legs for an extended period of time, usually on road trips or events such as movies and concerts. The resulting effect is an item that retains the temperature of your balls 98.6 degrees and hotter. Usually ending in the annihilation of cold beverages.
Woman: Hey baby can u hand me that soda.
Guy: Sure, but its ball temperature.
Woman: God damnit!
by JordanTheDollarBill January 12, 2010
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