131 definitions by Jonathan

The sum total of all interactive web log blog communication.

It can also refer to a particular web community that allows for opinionated commentary on news stories.
"Dailykos.com is a major liberal outlet in the blogosphere."
by Jonathan September 28, 2004
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commonly refers to the DESERT EAGLE .50 pistol invented in the 80's by Magnum Research Incorporated.
The DEagle fires a half inch slug that can do serious damage to human body tissue or can puncture armor such as Kevlar.
I need a powerful handgun so I will buy a Desert to smoke them fools at my smoke.
by Jonathan May 1, 2004
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"My cousin Jeff wants to end it, because he's just a crappy plane-labeller."

A man who labels planes is a plane-labeller.
by Jonathan November 19, 2002
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A ghetto, hispanic hot chick that looks like she rolls with some gangsters, but doesn't.
fuck there's hynas everywhere, shit someone heard me, run!!!!!!!
by Jonathan December 24, 2003
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This is when a prominent musician, singer, actor, entertainer 'finds' God then finds he can only produce inspipid, mindless rubbish afterwards or everything he/she subsequently does from then on in has to be infused with elements of their new found faith. See Cliff Richard as an example of this.
He was an amazingly fluent musician who played with fire and power but as soon as he became christed he began to produce some of the most bland and syrupy music known to humankind. It was a waste of immense talent.
by Jonathan June 23, 2004
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A black nigga who have a fucking band call "Redencion" he live in puerto rico (the best country ever made and if you disagreed then you are a fucktard) and study in the crap call Vocacional High School of San Sebastian
by Jonathan March 2, 2004
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