1 definition by Jess_dance_ilyn.22

The most amazing, kindest, awesome friend on earth. She's an excellent friend and very patient. She will be there for you every time when you need her and she never lets you down. She's one of the mot incredible person on earth and never let her go. Don't ever mess with her. If you do, her besties (especially Jessilyn and Isabel), will hunt you down and kick your gut. She's a sweetheart and an angle. She always does the right thing and would do anything for her friends. Never lose Beatrix. She's like an angle everyone wants to be friends with.
Girl One: Who is that new girl?

Girl Two: Oh that Beatrix! She's the most amazing friend you can ever ask for. Let's go hangout with her!!! She's sooo popular and nice and everyone loves her!!

Girl three: OMG I'm so jealous of her best friends Isabel and Jessilyn!! They're so lucky to have her as a best friend!!

First Cute Boy: Damn, Beatrix is sooo hot bro!!

Second Hot Boy: Bro I saw her first!! I didn't want to tell you because then I can get her number!

First Cute Boy: Fine dude! I'll go try out Jessilyn and Isabel. They're smoking hot too.

Second Hot Boy: Haha nice try bro you're just trying to make me jealous. but Beatrix is ten times hotter because she's super nice and sweet and beautiful.
by Jess_dance_ilyn.22 March 12, 2018
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