2 definitions by Jedi Andi

(n.) An exclipsis is a punctuation mark used to express extreme emphasis, the result of combining an exclamation mark (or exclamation point) '!' with an ellipsis '…' giving you an exclipsis '!!!'. It provides a formal name and an acceptance for a common practice in language today.

pl. Exclipses.
I can't believe what I just saw!!!
That is a moment worthy of an exclipsis!!!
by Jedi Andi September 10, 2012
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(n.) An exclipsis is a punctuation mark used to express extreme emphasis, the result of combining an exclamation mark (or exclamation point) '!' with an ellipsis '…' giving you an exclipsis '!!!'. It provides a formal name and an acceptance for a common practice in language today.
pl. Exclipses.
I can't believe what I just saw!!!
That is a moment worthy of an exclipsis!!!
by Jedi Andi May 9, 2012
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