15 definitions by Jdawg

The holy book of all that is erotic. The contents of such a book will help any ordinary man or woman become a sex saint. It contains descriptive instructions and pictures of several different positions of intercourse, including positions involving standind, sitting, laying, handstands, bridges, kneeling, and many other forms a body can take. The goal of this holiest of books is for more variety and gratification in your sexual practices

WARNING: Some positions may cause soreness or injuries in places you never even knew you had. If problems persists please consult your physician or yoga instructor.
Honey lets try position #235 in the "Kamasutra" again, but this time remember to balance at equilibrium between my legs while i do a headstand.
by Jdawg April 3, 2003
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In Midwestern slang, this word has been used to refer to the cops, police, law enforcement.
There goes the whodis!
The whodis are deep in this part of town.
by Jdawg December 25, 2004
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Rap listenin' bicycle pimp.
With "eyes" for Gillda.
Pinkham quite staring at Gillda's cank.
by Jdawg February 26, 2005
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Able to have a bong or other marijuana smoking device attached to it and used to inhale the smoke.
My gas mask is attachabongable.
Your asshole isn't attachabongable.
by Jdawg January 12, 2005
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Midwestern slang for a re-lit cigarette.
Got a smoke?
I've got a re-fry.
by Jdawg December 25, 2004
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