2 definitions by Jane Dark

Catty pop culture queens of snark and the gays who love them, borrowed from the canadian-american Farmer's Almanac parody website of the same name.

Those who peruse Fametracker.com with ruthless abandon.
"Dr. Beaverman of Screening Party is such a fametracker."

"Bstewart is the ultimate fametracker."
by Jane Dark December 22, 2003
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The poor man's Livejournal and my personal home away from home, often utilized by illiterate masochist drama queens who were about three years too late with respect to the non-trend known affectionately as Blogging For Stupid People.
"oh em gee you guys... i totally have a crush on this guy from deadjournal known as the Quad, he's sew smart n stuff"
by Jane Dark December 23, 2003
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