12 definitions by Jamie AKA The Hussy Housewife

A term that can be used for bloggers.

When a blogger is to busy to sit down and write their own post...they get a ghost post writer to do the dirty work for them. We tell them the story..they write it.
Sure I can go on vacation. I will just call my ghost post writer from the hotel, and give them a post to write for my blog. My readers won't know the difference.
by Jamie AKA The Hussy Housewife October 12, 2009
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When someone you are in a relationship with breaks up with you through a text. NO phone call or face to face, but a text dump.
Can you believe that jerk? He pulled a text dump. I knew I should have text dumped him when I had the chance.
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This a serious condition that is a direct result from texting to much. Working your thumbs till they become stiff.

This disorder may also effect hardcore gamers who play video games for long extended periods of time.
Mike: Hey Billy..you wanna play some Wii?

Billy: Not tonight man, I think I may have a STD (Stiff Thumb Disorder).

Mike: What!@#$ Is it burning?

Billy: No, I got stiff thumbs from texting to much last night. I can't use a controller till my thumbs work again.
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Men get blue ones..women can get pink ones. It is when another women talks of a great recipe they made, or pair of shoes they bought, or a great pair of jeans. They get you all excited..stimulated...you can't wait to try it/borrow them.

Then you go over to their house to try/check these this items out..but the food is nasty, the jeans/shoes are ugly. Your bubble is deflated, no climax..you just got pink balls!
Hubby: Your home early.

Me: Yeah, my sister gave me pink balls.

Hubby: What!?

Me: Yeah, she told me she made Strawberry-Jello-Pretzel salad, I got all excited and went over to her house to have some.

Hubby: OK, and..

Me: It was GROSS..she made it wrong..took one bite and it wasn't worth the calories. She got me all excited and I just got Pink Balls!
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A shortened word used to describe people who are freak shows. Over dramatic, weird, needy, delusional people. Ones that are screaming for attention, and the need to be heard. Everything offends them.
She is such a OCD frow. She wears gloves to go into a public restroom.
by Jamie AKA The Hussy Housewife January 16, 2009
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