2 definitions by Jak Framer

Someone who has embodied the John Cougar Mellencamp song "Cherry Bomb" either knowingly or unknowingly they are presently living a life of "ridin' around this little country town" or have either lived a life like the song "Cherry Bomb" that they currently find themselves saying, "When I think back about those days. All I can do is sit and smile."
Yesterday was the best. I felt like Cherry Bomb.
I feel like I'm a Cherry Bomb every time I head to the farm.
My grandfather tells these amazing stories of when he was my age. He's quite the Cherry Bomb.
by Jak Framer May 28, 2015
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To ask to watch netflix at a friends house, cause your parents are assholes, with the mutual agreement that if the friend wants to watch netflix with you in the future he is welcomed to come over to your house when said assholes aren't around.
"Dude can we watch Daredevil at your place? I'll Netflix you back later!"
by Jak Framer April 13, 2015
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