4 definitions by Jaiye

Alake is a feminine name given to a guy that is always seen smiling and follows women, practically a womanizer.
Daniel is just Alake
by Jaiye February 3, 2020
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Verb - to try to pick up a girl but by being a total dirt ball in the process; a much more negative connotation than skeem; usually best used when followed with an "up"; when you say he's skeezing up on her it is also somewhat implying he is sneaking up on her; will go as far as to use some sort of date rape drug to get the girl alone with him
Look at that chaatch bag skeezing up all over that girl.
He's trying to skeeze up on that bitch.
How many girls have you skeezed on tonight?
by Jaiye March 14, 2006
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Verb - to try to pick up a girl but by being a total dirt ball in the process; a much more negative connotation than skeem; usually best used when followed with an "up"; when you say he's skieving up on her it is also somewhat implying he is sneaking up on her; will go as far as to use some sort of date rape drug to get the girl alone with him
Look at that chaatch bag skieving up all over that girl.
He's trying to skieve up on that bitch.
How many girls have you skieved on tonight?
by Jaiye March 14, 2006
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Verb - to try to pick up a girl but by being a total dirt ball in the process; a much more negative connotation than skeem; usually best used when followed with an "up"; when you say he's skeazing up on her it is also somewhat implying he is sneaking up on her; will go as far as to use some sort of date rape drug to get the girl alone with him
Look at that chaatch bag skeazing up all over that girl.
He's trying to skeaze up on that bitch.
How many girls have you skeazed on tonight?
by Jaiye March 14, 2006
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