3 definitions by JTreehorn

A ratbag is an older, unattractive and unlovable woman who abuses what little authority she has.
That fucking ratbag clerk at the Dollar Store wouldn’t give me my 5% discount for being a health care worker because I left my ID in the car.
by JTreehorn May 27, 2020
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"I don't see why not?" is a phrase used by indulgent parents when their children suggest doing something the family cannot afford.
"Let's go to Cancun for spring break", said Steven.

"I don't see why not?" said Dad.
by JTreehorn December 23, 2021
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Culture is a vague but meaningless term used by clueless high school sports team coaches, which tries to shift the focus of a team's success from the talent of the players to the "vision" or other attributes of the coach.
"We had a normal coach here last season who said the only time he wanted to hear the word "culture" was if they were going to culture brain tissue from a dead player to see if he had CTE."
by JTreehorn February 21, 2023
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