1 definition by JNYBLZE

A legend, may take human form. As a person, he is short yet confident. His ego is bigger then he is. Classy with a bad side. He will take your girl, but return her later. Hes only serious when he has to be and doesnt know when to stop joking. Hes handsome though the girls dont care how he looks. Hes strong and fit but in his mind hes superman. Acts harder then he really is, he has a sweet side but it hasnt been seen in years. Jonnys are unpredictable. Thinks he knows everything, but knows nothing. Typically called a douche, but it doesnt phase him. Makes mistakes alot and plans to make many more. Jonnys are dangerous. Sleep with him if you dare, legend has it it'll change youre life.
Guy: im so bummed
Girl: how come?
Guy: A jonny stole my girl again
Girl: i know the 3 some was crazy!
by JNYBLZE December 20, 2016
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