2 definitions by JLaw31

People who go to one or multiple gyms just to pick up men or women for sexual reason!
Tina was the the most promiscuous gymrat at the 72 hour fitness!
by JLaw31 May 30, 2016
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Adequately holding yourself to the higher echelon of society you were born in and out without self degradation regardless of economic standing. "Paris Hilton is a Silver Spoon born into inherited wealth but associates, networks, befriends and works with others not born into inherited wealth such as hers without delineating their characters or her family heritage yet making them feel no less of a person/peoples because of their economic background."
Jesus rose to the occasion just like any other Silverspoon would poignantly defeated his adversaries with class and grace in a dueling game of chess.
by JLaw31 June 12, 2014
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