3 definitions by J e r e m y

The act of exploring deep web page links, usually irresistable.

Typically starts out as a link sent by a friend or relative ("hey look at this!"), then an interesting link catches your eye. A couple hours later, you've traversed the bowels of cracked, holytaco, thechive, reddit but not digg because nobody goes there anymore, and a dozen other news and link aggregator sites. More often than not, this will happen at work.
Sorry, boss. Didn't mean to waste four hours on that spelink today instead of doing your TPS report.
by J e r e m y October 4, 2010
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1. The result of trying to get the last bit of a drink out of a cup filled with ice by upending it. Typically this involves the ice, which up until that moment had remained faithfully stuck to the bottom of the cup decides to let go, spilling ice all over your face.

2. When you try to quickly pour the remaining contents of a drink into your mouth, but misjudge the amount left by just enough to overfill and spill on your face.
1. Chris Johnson just got caught in a bevelanche with his iced Mountain Dew. Doh!
by J e r e m y February 14, 2008
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To have sex with someone by proxy, ie. their brother or sister.
I had sex with Sandra Bullock's cousin's cousin Heather Bullock and thus I proxied Sandra Bullock.

Dude, your wife's sister is hot.. How's it feel to proxy that?
by J e r e m y March 18, 2010
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