6 definitions by Ithink2much

A symptom of someone who is possibly inebriated or perhaps just saying something sinister that is too far fetched to be true, but they can still put it in a sentence because apparently anything sounds good in it.
Dave: “finally, I found someone who will do this cocaine with me”

Wayne: “Do you have crockpot mouth or something? Anyone would do free cocaine...”
by Ithink2much March 13, 2019
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When a male trys to alpha another male in front of an audience. For example: by lifting something up when it wasn’t nessessary, to make you look incapable of doing it.

The equivalent of “flexing your nuts”
Ryan: “I can’t tell If Adam is helping him out or if he’s just jollytwirking

Steve: “nah, he coulda lifted that by himself, he’s just jollytwirking for him.”
by Ithink2much March 13, 2019
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When you go into a public place and try to get your ass kicked by pretending to be a pedi file.
“I was gonna try streaking through the bowling alley, but that bar down the street is way better for pediwomping, there’s way more military people there.”
by Ithink2much March 29, 2019
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When you pick your nose and stick your booger into the other persons nostrils.
Mike "Hey man, quit picking your nose!"
Ike "its ok I'm not gonna waste it, we're gonna end up mind melding after you go to sleep, like on star trek."
by Ithink2much December 15, 2020
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The fleshy loose skin on someone’s front neck that reminds you of a rooster beard.
Alex : “I haven’t seen Paul in forever, where has he been?”

Kevin: “ I think he’s just embarrassed about his eebergobber, I hear he can’t shave near it anymore.”
by Ithink2much March 11, 2019
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When someone with a potato launcher shoots another person in the ass with it unexpectedly.
“I told Alex that I was gonna gave him til the count of ten, but I gave him the ol irish picnic instead...”
by Ithink2much March 29, 2019
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