1 definition by Iristhebulletdodger

A highly intelligent woman who will call you on you fuck shit behaviour. Will not put up with your bullshit and will hold every thing in until you push her to the point that she explodes and tells you about yourself. Verbally destroys your existence. And exposes you for the true piece of shit you are. But there's nothing mentally wrong with these women. Calling them crazy is the only defense a fuckboy has against her to make her seem unstable to everyone. But they fool no one, not even themselves. They know,everyone knows they are shit!
I sent flowers and poetry when his grandmother died. Then he ghosted for 4 days and called me a crazy bitch for calling him numerous times to see if he was ok. Oh his grandmother is still alive!
by Iristhebulletdodger June 24, 2018
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