2 definitions by InnocentCauliflower

Someone who uses the urban dictionary to find out the meaning of NSFW or CURSE words.
They usually doesn't have an older sibling and don't understand the definition on the Merriam-Webster

These type of people believe that the urban dict is a reliable source of information.
John- Bro do you know what a hickey is? I would search it up myself but then I'd be a Urban-Dictionary Abuser
Joe- Sorry bro can't help you out.
by InnocentCauliflower December 11, 2020
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A- The name everyone uses as a 9 year old instead of griffiti.

B- The loser owner of pcbuilding101, started out as a taco bell worker, took a sh*t, which he based his server off of.

C- a really bad sh*t that makes u hunch over in pain

Damn bro im such a fortnite gamer add me im grxffiti

carI - imagine being a loser, am I right?
bob- shut the f**k up ur suck a grxffiti

by InnocentCauliflower April 20, 2021
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