3 definitions by Ignorasaurus_rex

Slemandry: (slem -min- dree). the act of forcing employees to work short staffed to save the company money.

To slem:

1: verb: to force employees to work short staffed with the intent on profiting from the hard work of one employee despite the employee being overworked

2: to abuse an employee by forcing them to do the work of more than one person without paying them more than one person’s wages
Sentence: the company has been slemming me for months. I need a new job.

Oh, i’ve worked for them before. Slemandry is their middle name
by Ignorasaurus_rex February 26, 2022
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Corporate Slemlord

Corporation or employers profiteering on the hard work of one employee, refusing to hire more people so that they save money, despite overworking, causing stress to, and underpaying the employee.
I work for a slemlord.

That employer is a corporate slemlord.
by Ignorasaurus_rex February 26, 2022
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To slem/slemming

profiting on the hard work of an employee,

refusing to hire more people in order to save money

Forcing one employee to work more than one person’s job without paying them more than the wages of one person.
Slem is not the right way to save money. Slemming causes depression, low morale, and you’ll lose a lot of good employees because of it.
by Ignorasaurus_rex February 26, 2022
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