3 definitions by Idniont

A famous line from the hit show Family Guy, delivered by Lois Griffin in the episode (idk lol) while everyone was at the dinner table. The horse walked into the dining room and lois delivered this line.
(a horse walks into the kitchen)
"...Petah. The horse is here."
(petah turns to the horse)
by Idniont June 17, 2023
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A person who took place as the male in a child's reproductive process. A dad is a parent of (usually 2, but can be up to 6) children, specifically the male parent. Dads also just so happen to be known as Fathers. Fathers have a tendency to leave after a wife or girlfriend becomes a Mom, or a Mother via sex. However, if the father stays after a child is born from the mother, the father may also perform a move called "leave for the milk" once the amount of children raises above atleast 3, or children become annoying enough to cause the father to take off and abandon the family.
Dad: "Bye kids, I'm off to go grab the milk!"
Kid #1:" Okay, bye daddy!'
Kid #2: "Love you bye!"
Kid #3 (oldest): "Wait.. isn't that from the memes- WAIT DAD NOOO!"
by Idniont April 10, 2023
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