4 definitions by Icbawithpeoplesshit

A female body part used to produce milk to feed baby’s

Boobs need to stop being sexualised they are a feeding utensil just like knifes and forks
Man- look at those big boobs
Man- look at her boobs there so small
by Icbawithpeoplesshit January 17, 2021
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A female body part used to produce milk to feed baby’s

Tits need to stop being sexualised they are a feeding utensil just like knifes and forks
Man- look at those big tits
by Icbawithpeoplesshit January 17, 2021
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FEMINISM is a equality rights movement

Different to what many believe feminism is to raise awareness to every genders issues NOT just women’s issues

Feminism has the word FEM (meaning feminine or female) is at the start of the word because women DONT have equality towards men.
Feminism defined

Feminist- We deserve equal pay for the same jobs (Men and women)
Feminist- stop cat calling (men and women)
Feminist- stop harassment (men and women)
Feminist- stop sexualising things (Men and women)
by Icbawithpeoplesshit January 17, 2021
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A Rio is a kind,loving *GIRL* she is really funny and always says lovely she is very popular and caring.she can be a bit of a bitch to the fakes. A Rio is supperrrr peng and smexy. A Rio is Rare and hard to find so if you find one don’t let her go
Omg Rio is so peng I wanna be just like her
by Icbawithpeoplesshit November 12, 2019
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