3 definitions by IGoByLotsOfNames

To Identify a wild Sophia Y, you should look first at her lips, if her lips look like they got stung by a bumblebee, you have indeed ran into a wild Sophia Y. Wild Sophia Y's may look super sexy, but don't be decieved. there is a toxic hormone that animals are releasing to make you hallucinate. They are also short and are also rather toxic. They are also failing every class they have. If you have Identified A wild Sophia Y, RUN.
" Look it's a wild Sophia Y!"
by IGoByLotsOfNames May 9, 2022
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An Andrae Z is a very rare specimen of a human male. Their habitat is the People's Republic of China but can migrate to the US in the fall. Some defining features of this Human subtype is he wears his mask with his nose showing. Always tries to smack your head while saying "To the beat of the drums". a defining personality trait is communism. they are also mighty ugly. their stench also gives them away from a mile away. be careful, said type are playboys.
"That Andrae Z is very dangerous!"
by IGoByLotsOfNames May 10, 2022
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A wild Luke R is the definition of a playboy. These species are often found around human ladies under 15. They think they are cool but they are not. The chains on their neck signify that. Their appearance is most likely meh. They tend to wear "Champion" sweatshirts. Also love to say sign language for aggressively eating a lolee-pop.
"Thats a Luke R! I read about him in the Urban Dictionary"
by IGoByLotsOfNames May 10, 2022
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