3 definitions by IAmAlreadyTracer

He is a man who does not know what logic or reality is. He lives in his own world and does not care about other people’s opinions, therefore, he might sound and act like a jerk sometimes. But when you get to know him, he’s like no other. He will always priorotize your needs and your wellbeing before his. Even though he is far from being a smart or polite person, he tries his best to make people happy and smile. If you ever meet a Josh, or have already, he’ll cherish you for the rest of your life. We all love Josh.

As a stranger, friend, sibling, even lover, Josh is great.

PRO TIP: Do not call him Joshua, it can trigger his inner toxic ten year old and we do not want to unleash the robloxians.

Go gamers.
Josh is soooo good at fortnite!

That dweeb, really?

He’s not a dweeb, he’s a daddy!
by IAmAlreadyTracer November 29, 2018
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Josh is someone you can rely on, at any given time. If you wanna have sex after class, he's going to be there for you. He'll even bring birth control pills if you ask him to, but he prefers to go without them. He'll fuck you everywhere, he loves taking risks. It could be in an igloo on the north pole, next to a fat lion in the african jungle, in the supermarket while an old lady with a cat is watching, anywhere really.

Josh can be a more difficult listener. He has selective hearing (which can be quite annoying at times) and he only listens to things he find more interesting. Like for example; your cup size, your favourite pringles, the compliments you give him, basically all the good things. He does not listen to things like; bad puns (which are actually funny, he just has a bad sense of humor), facts ('cause he always thinks he's right) and common sense (cuz he's a maniac).

The most important thing about Josh is that he always supports you. He cares for you more than anything and you're always on his mind. He'll tell you everyday how much he loves you, how badly he wants you and how perfect you are. Really, he can be quite cute sometimes. You really gotta keep the girls away from him though, he's quite the catch.

If you ever find a Josh, never let him go. You'll realise that he's the sweetest thing ever. Once you get to see the parts of him that nobody else gets to see, you'll want him forever, tenever.
Josh is the light of my life.
by IAmAlreadyTracer January 27, 2019
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Is when you are still dating a guy whos a complete asshole and removed you from every app just because you were mad at him for him being mad at you for you doing his homework because he was embarrassed.
by IAmAlreadyTracer April 24, 2020
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